Knit and Natter group takes a Scottish twist for Burns Night The Knit and Natter group at Shelton Lock care home in Derby marked Burns Night by putting a Scottish spin on their craft session and producing their first Shelton Lock tartan.

The Shelton Lock tartan was designed with inspiration from the HC-One uniforms, using grey, orange and white-coloured wool.

The design was created to symbolise the Shelton Lock family of Residents, Relatives, staff and friends.

Each Resident had their part to play in making the tartan come together, while the day was rounded off with a portion of haggis for everyone.

One Resident commented: “I love knitting but have never made tartan before, I feel like I have really accomplished something.”

Nicola Millar, Home Manager at Shelton Lock, said: “Our Knit and Natter group have created a beautiful tartan, with such a lovely meaning behind it.”