Kindness delivered at Caerphilly care homeHC-One’s Trafalgar Park in Caerphilly is celebrating the work of Kalam, who has received a Kindness in Care Award for his thoughtful and conscientious attitude over the past two years since starting work at the home.

The Kindness in Care Awards programme was launched by HC-One, a leading provider in health and social care, in October 2013.  It recognises the efforts of their kindest colleagues, and the impact they have on the lives of Residents and their loved ones. Month on month, record-breaking numbers of awards are presented to colleagues, volunteers, and whole teams within the family of homes that HC-One operates across the UK.

All of the Residents at the home love Kalam as he is always smiling, happy and helpful, and stands out in the way he goes above and beyond to provide the kindest care to everybody living at Trafalgar Park. 

Sandra Purnell, a Resident at home nominated Kalam for a Kindness in Care award for the way he helped her settle in when she came to the home just over a year ago. Since then Sandra has got to know him very well and has been overwhelmed by his thoughtful and conscientious nature.

HC-One aims to be the first-choice care provider in each of its communities for Residents looking for the very best care and support, and the employer of choice for the best, most professional, and kindest care staff, with sector leading career progression opportunities. 

HC-One Trafalgar Park Home Manager, Sadie Hunt, said:

“Kalam is always willing to the extra mile for everyone, and this award is the best way to honour everything he does for the whole community at Trafalgar Park. Life here truly wouldn’t be the same without him, and it’s really inspiring to work alongside somebody so kind and selfless.

Kalam is exactly what HC-One is all about.”

HC-One Managing Director, Ruth Yates, said:

“The Kindness in Care Awards programme is about recognising and celebrating colleagues who demonstrate the kindest care and the best practice that we can all learn from, Trafalgar Park has the privilege of having just such a colleague.

“Each and every day, HC-One staff do incredible work and make such a difference to the lives of Residents living in our homes. It is great to work with such inspirational, caring and kind people.”