Kesteven Grange Residents enjoy a springtime getaway to Skipsea SandsStaff at Kesteven Grange care home in Kingswood, Hull were delighted to whisk several Residents away for a springtime break at Skipsea Sands.

Colleagues at the home initially asked Residents to put their names down if they would be interested in going on a break away, with the final date being set for April – much to the Residents’ delight.

Two caravans were booked at Skipsea Sands, with five staff members accompanying the Residents on the trip away. Everyone enjoyed getting some fresh sea air and reliving childhood memories, with Residents loving the holiday so much that they have asked to go on another later on in the year!

One Resident said: “I really enjoyed the trip away. It reminded me of the good old days!”