Kendal care home Resident’s artwork features in local collectionResidents at HC-One’s Summerhill care home in Kendal have had their artwork and poems featured in a new local arts and culture brochure.

After the home was asked if it would like to receive a new local community magazine, Sean Moore, Summerhill wellbeing coordinator, thought it would be nice to contribute to the magazine rather than just receive it. Sean contacted the organiser and arranged for a poem written by Residents of Summerhill and some paintings by Jane Grisdale, who also resides at the home, to feature in the brochure.

Jane Grisdale is a Summerhill Resident who lives in the home’s memory care unit and has been painting Summerhill from when it used to be a hospital she worked in as a nurse in the 1970's. 

Each day, whilst on her break, Jane added a little more detail and over the course of a few weeks the painting was complete.  

Summerhill wellbeing coordinator, Sean Moore said: “Jane was and still is a great artist and she deserves all the praise which comes her way.”

The booklet is great and is full of lots of drawings and poems that can help keep the Residents engaged during isolation as well as being extremely rewarding for Residents as they see their work featured.

“To have my artwork seen makes me feel so special and emotional,to think people appreciate it is overwhelming and I’m very grateful,” said Jane.

The team at Summerhill hope that this is another way in which they can keep engaged with the local community and keeping their Residents involved with things which are so close to their hearts.