Karaoke at Barton BrookBarton Brook Residents had a lovely afternoon on Moss House, the homes memory care unit as they enjoyed good old-fashioned knees up as they sing-a-long to one of their favourite afternoons – Karaoke. The home regularly hosts this fun afternoon.

Residents enjoy participating in this interactive sing-a-long, playing along on percussion instruments as they sing along to their favourite songs.

The instruments are lightweight, easy for Residents to hold, and encourage audience participation; there is even a spare microphone for Residents who wish to sing along with gusto.

Everyone dressed in fun hats and sang along to disco music from the 70s & 80s. The Care Team joined in and sang along with the Residents.

Once the singing is done, Residents enjoy their afternoon tea and reminisce about hearing the songs for the first time.

Lynn Kaye, home manager, commented;

“Our Residents are captivated before the music even starts and they engage right from the beginning. They love these afternoons and everyone is soon singing along! Residents can’t wait for the next one!”