Residents at
Fleming Court, residential and residential dementia care home in Jesmond, Newcastle had a lovely afternoon singing and dancing with local entertainer.
Julie Pendleton and her husband ‘Mr Paul’ joined both Colleagues and Residents at Fleming Court for a lovely afternoon of music. Julie and Paul are local and have performed across Newcastle and Gateshead, with her latest performance at the Sage.
Many Residents joined Julie and Paul in the lounge for a fantastic performance. Julie wore a showstopping gown and beautiful headpiece which sparkled under the lights. She looked fantastic and brought the glitz and glamour to Fleming Court.
Emma Jenson, one of the Residents, remarked, “Her dress matches her beautiful voice.”
Whilst watching the show the Residents enjoyed some refreshments.
Michelle, one of the Wellbeing Coordinators, booked Julie and Paul as new entertainers and will be inviting them back soon as the Residents loved the performance.
Julie can be heard on Nova Radio Northeast, Sunday 4-6pm and the Residents will be listening along each week!
Karen Stewart, Care Home Manager, said, “It was lovely to see our Residents enjoying the entertainer so much.”