Inverness care home walk a mile for Alzheimer ScotlandResidents and the team at HC-One’s Cradlehall Care Home in Inverness, Highland walk a mile to raise awareness of a charity close to their hearts, Alzheimer’s Scotland. 

During a recent garden project, Cradlehall’s friends from Barnado’s calculated that walking three times around the perimeter of the home’s garden equates to a mile. They then got to pondering how they could use that to raise awareness of a charity close to their hearts and to bring in the local community, Residents, staff, family and friends.

On 19th July, Cradlehall in collaboration with Megan Robertson, Fundraising Representative from Alzheimer Scotland, hosted “Walk a Mile for Alzheimer Scotland”, raising a fantastic £100. 

Local Councillor Duncan Macpherson joined everyone to declare the “Walk a Mile” open before Residents, friends and family members set off on their walk. 

Joining them was Megan, Mascot Buddy Bear, Home Manager Elsbeth Russell, Margaret and Jimmy the Dalmatian Therapy Dog, friends from Barnardo’s and neighbours.  

Every participant received a medal for their efforts and after lunch, Musician Howard Swindell entertained everyone with a set of guitar and fiddle songs and music. 

Residents loved the opportunity to raise awareness and enjoyed planning the activity, commenting:

“It’s great to see the community coming together!”  

Elsbeth Russell commented:

“It was such a good opportunity to work together and raise awareness of the support provided by Alzheimer’s Scotland here at Cradlehall and in the wider community.”