Residents at Meadow Bank care home celebrated the wonderful work that their nurses do prior to this year’s International Nurses Day.
Many nurses attended, some of whom originated from overseas, and wore their national dress. One nurse from the home, Perpetua, gave an informative talk honouring all nurses. A Colleague from the Royal College of Nursing also attended to give a talk on the history of nursing.
Many other individuals attended to speak to the Residents, including a local mental health nurse, and a pharmacist.
A cake was provided for Residents to enjoy their day, which everyone thoroughly appreciated.
International Nurses Day is held on 12 May and celebrates the contribution that nurses make to societies around the world. The date has a very strong significance, being the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered as the founder of modern nursing.
The date has been officially marked by The International Council of Nurses since 1974.
The event was especially honourable for the Residents currently living in the home, who worked as nurses during their careers.
Residents remarked how beautifully dressed the nurses were, and that the information given in the speeches were very enjoyable.
Helen Holden, Home Manager, commented: “This was a wonderful afternoon, and a unique experience for Residents. It was lovely for each of our retired nurses to be recognised and thanked for their contributions to nursing over the years!”