Intergenerational community project Falkirk care homeHC-One’s Barleystone care home in Falkirk has teamed up with Westquarter Nursery to start a new intergenerational project which brings Residents and nursery children together to build friendships and enjoy activities together.

On Wednesday 23rd October, children from Westquarter Nursery visited Barleystone for the first time, the group enjoyed a variety of activities together and the children visited Residents in their rooms who were unable to come to the lounge.

The visits will be a weekly activity in Barleystone, Residents commented on how much they enjoyed the first visit and are looking forward to seeing the children on a regular basis.

Karen Syme, Home Manager at Barleystone said: “Intergenerational sessions have such a positive impact on the wellbeing of everyone involved, it’s heart-warming to see the bonds forming between the children and Residents.”