Illumination fun for Callands care home
Residents at HC-One’s Callands care home were delighted as they took their first trip of the year to see the Blackpool Illuminations.

Everyone was so impressed as they watched the multicoloured sparkling lights and installations, engaged in how bright and eccentric they were.

Residents decided they wanted to take a break, so enjoyed a small tipple and a fish and chip dinner before continuing their trip around the illuminations. Residents remarked at how bright the lights shone and how exciting the trip was, visiting Blackpool again.

Memories were recalled as some Residents commented on how much they enjoyed visiting Blackpool as children, and attending the illuminations was one of their favourite things.

Joanne Goodwin, Home Manager, commented: “Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Blackpool Illuminations, we look forward to going again next year.”