Ilkeston care home Resident is 100 years old and still got it!Resident Muriel from HC One’s Victoria Park nursing home is still enjoying one of her old hobbies even at 100 years old. 

Resident Muriel often struggles to get involved with activities in the Ilkeston care home, due to loss of sight and hearing difficulties. Up until recently when she has taken to one of her old hobbies, knitting.
Although Muriel doubts her abilities a lot, she isn't letting this stop her from doing the one thing she loves and enjoys. 

Muriel still has the skill of being able to knit even if her eyesight isn't quite what it was, she is actually quite a perfectionist and every time she knits a few rows she will end up finding a fault and starting all over again. 

This isn't a problem though as it is not the end product that Muriel is after it, is the taking part and doing what makes her happy that is important. Muriel commented “Oh I used to knit all of the time, I loved it. Mind you, I can't really see very well any more but I will give it a go.” 

100 years of age and still able to do her favourite hobby is quite an achievement in the eyes of the Colleagues. 

Once Muriel feels confident in her knitting again there's no doubt she will be making scarves for her grandchildren just like she used to.

Muriel’s daughter, Gillian’ said “My mum has always been good at knitting she would spend all of her time making jumpers and items for the family.”