Humberston marzipan fruit challengeResidents at Clarendon Hall residential and nursing care, in Lincolnshire, were challenged to make some marzipan fruits for the Home Manager.

With there being a National Marzipan Day in January, Home Manager Nicola Walker challenged Wellbeing Coordinator Hayley Sandison and the Residents to make some marzipan fruits, as they are her favourite.

Residents Pat Sumpter, Betty Burkinshaw, Jean Lennox, Marjorie Forster, Amy Glover, Mark Boon and Barbara Brumby got fully involved in the activity. Lots of laughter was heard and the results were amazing! Everyone enjoyed making a mess with the food colouring.

One Resident said, “I have never made these before.”

Barbara added, “It was good fun.”

Nicola said she was over the moon with the tray of fruits that she was brought.