Horsham care home hosts cupcake day for Alzheimer’s SocietyResidents and members of the care team at HC-One’s Oakhill House care home in Horsham, Sussex hosted a cupcake day to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s Society.

In preparation for the home’s cupcake day, Louise Edmonds, Care Assistant at Oakhill House was very busy baking 90 cupcakes to be sold on the day. Residents, guests and members of the team came together on the day to enjoy a variety of fun-filled events, including, local entertainer, Pamela Marsh, quizzes, photo booth, raffle and cake decorating competition.

A great time was had by all, with Residents commenting that they had a marvellous day and loved sampling all of the delicious treats. Oakhill House managed to raise an impressive total of £200 which will go towards helping people and families affected by Alzheimer’s.