Hinckley care home Residents write back to local pen palResidents at HC-One’s Hinckley Park care home received a beautiful letter from a child in the local community and have decided to write back.
Eva, 6, lives across the road from Hinckley Park. She introduced herself and her family, in a beautiful with a brightly coloured letter. She wanted to know how Residents were and whether we'd write to her.
The team at Hinckley Park decided to pin her letter to a board for Residents in the home and within a week several Residents and staff members had written her letters and cards, which has struck up an amazing friendship. Coronavirus may have had devastating effects around the world, but it's also helped to foster a sense of community.
One Hinckley Park Resident said: “It’s amazing making friends within other generations, they have so much to offer.”
The cards are all hand delivered, thanks to the close proximity of Eva’s home to Hinckley Park which has let the pen pal relationship grow even stronger. Eva has sent cards, letters and even some rainbow art to show in the home’s windows.
The team at Hinckley Park told Eva that, when all this is over, they are going to have a party and she is definitely invited and they call can’t wait to meet her.