Hinckley care home Residents explore local historyResidents at HC-One’s Hinckley Park care home in Hinckley, Leicestershire have been busy learning more about their local history with the help of local group ‘Hinckley Past and Present’.

Hinckley Past and Present is a group of people who are passionate about preserving and remembering the history of the town of Hinckley. The group organised by Paul Gardener and his wife bring the history to life through old photographs, videos and providing interesting discussions.

The group have been visiting Hinckley Park on a regular basis, with each sessions focusing on different parts of the town’s history. Both Residents, visitors and members of the team at the home are enjoying the sessions which provide an insight to the towns interesting past for those who are not originally from the local area, while encouraging those who have grown up in the area to reminisce and share their memories. 

For the next session, Hinckley Past and Present has invited the Residents and team at the home to choose the topic, after much deliberation, they have decided to give the group a challenging topic which will be covering Hinckley’s transport history.

Sharon Butler, Home Manager at Hinckley Park, said: “The sessions led by Hinckley Past and Present are a highlight in the calendar for everyone at Hinckley Park.

“It’s important to learn about and remember local history and for our Residents, the sessions are a great way to promote conversation and reminiscence.”