Hinckley care home Residents enjoy visit from ZoolabThe Willows care home in Hinckley has welcomed a special visit from Zoolab to allow Residents to meet some surprise guests at the home.

Dominic, the Representative from Zoolab, brought a selection of small animals to the home for the Residents to see and handle.

Among the visitors was Sally the Great African snail, Steve the scorpion, Maxine the giant millipede, Gary the gecko, Sophie the snake and Rachel the rat.

Residents really enjoyed meeting the animals and learning about their natural habitats and diets.

One Resident commented: “I loved meeting all the animals, but my favourite was definitely Rachel the rat.”

Ellen Cox, Wellbeing Coordinator at The Willows, said: “All of our Residents really enjoyed the visit from Zoolab, so much so that we have already booked them for their next visit.”