Residents have been making a scrapbook to log everything they have done over 2020 at HC-One’s Woodlands View care home in Stevenage.
Despite being in lockdown for most of the year, the Residents managed to keep busy and have a lot of wonderful memories to look back on.
Mavis, a Resident at the home, enjoyed flicking through the photo diary and commented: “This is lovely. It’s very nice.”
Residents looked back at themselves playing lots of games, taking part in pamper sessions and, of course, the yearly Halloween and Christmas parties.
Making a scrapbook was a lovely way to document the good memories that happened in a year that was difficult for everyone, and was also an opportunity to let Colleagues know about any activities they would like to take part in again this year.
Woodlands View Home Manager, Deby O’Hare, said: “It’s nice to see the Residents reminiscing over the things they have enjoyed over the past year.”