Henley-on-Thames care home supports local charityHC-One’s Thamesfield care home in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire welcomed David Woodgate to receive a cheque on behalf of Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue.

David Woodgate, from Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue visited Thamesfield on Wednesday 9th January to speak with Residents about what the charity does and how they rely upon the dedicated volunteers and donations from the public to enable them to carry out searches with the help of people, dogs, boats and drones.

After the talk, David was presented with a cheque from Thamesfield to Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue for £117, which was raised at the home’s Christmas Party in December. 

Residents commented on how lovely David was and how amazing the work that Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue carry out is. 

Lina Nela, Home Manager at Thamesfield said:

“Thamesfield is proud to support such a worthwhile cause, Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue provide such a valuable service to our local community as well as the rest of the country. 

“I would like to thank David for taking the time to visit our home and spend time speaking with our Residents, everyone loved hearing about the truly heroic work that the charity does day in and day out.”