HC-One’s Thamesfield Care Home in Henley were delighted to recently welcome a representative from Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue (OxSAR) to the home to speak about the organisation.
David Woodgate, Chairman of the OxSAR, gave an interesting talk regarding the work that is carried out over the course of a year. He presented the equipment that is used regularly, whilst explaining that these items are bought solely with donations with each member of the search and rescue team also being a volunteer.
This year, the team were awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Service, which was thoroughly deserved, and David explained that this year has actually been one of the busiest years to date.
To thank them for their hard work and dedications, the Residents from both the Nursing Home and Village presented David with a cheque totalling £240 which had been raised from donations at a recent garden party that was held in the home.
Lina Nela, Home Manager, commented: “It has been interesting to hear about the hard work that OxSAR do, and the Residents especially found it interesting to hear about the service they provide for all.”