Hayes care home Residents visit Churchill MuseumHC-One’s Aston House care home in Hayes organised a visit to the Churchill Museum and War Rooms on Wednesday 12th September.

Three Residents, Helen Cole, Ken Fisher and Shanti Ram accompanied by members of the team from Aston House explored the museum and discussed the impact and legacy that Winston Churchill has made in England’s history.

Afterwards their tour of the museum, the group enjoyed a warm beverage and a muffin before heading back to Aston House. 

When Helen saw Buckingham Palace she started to reminisce about when she was younger and her Father was a gardener at Buckingham Palace, she met the Queen on numerous occasions while exploring the beautiful palace grounds. 

A great day was had by all with everyone commenting on what a lovely day they had and how interesting it was to spend the day discussing and learning more about England’s history.

Aston House Deputy Manager, Seema Sandeep-Jose said:

“It’s amazing to see the smiles on Resident’s faces as they return from a fun-filled day out. I would like to thank my Colleagues who work so hard to organise wonderful and memorable days out for all enjoy.”