Harvest festival celebrations at Acacia Lodge
Residents and Colleagues at HC-One’s Acacia Lodge care home enjoyed celebrating harvest festival recently as they opened their doors to the local community.

The celebrations began with a harvest service conducted by Resident, Margaret, for all to take part in, with a variety of harvest songs being sung.

Residents and their Relatives enjoyed themselves as they each enjoyed a lunch of black eye bean stew or fish and chips, finished with a toffee apple crumble.

Representatives from the local Co-Op attended the home as they donated various items of food to be given to the local food bank.

Everyone remarked at how wonderful Margaret’s service was, as well as how nice it was for everyone to come together.

Farai Maringa, Home Manager, commented: “Everyone has enjoyed today and the preparations leading up to it. Everyone came together wonderfully and it was lovely to welcome donations from the local Co-Op.”