Harvest celebrations at the Beeches
A harvest festival held at HC-One’s Beeches Care Home helped Residents to meet new people, make new friends and have meaningful moments in the company of others.
The event was also in support of Silver Sunday, which helps combat loneliness within the community and helps to increase happiness and wellbeing.
The Beeches in Doncaster welcomed members of the local community to mark the start of the autumn season on Friday 5th October and hosted a range of harvest themed activities including collecting food goodies to be donated to the local community food bank. Residents participated in creating a harvest display including making home made bread.
Colleagues and Residents were honored to welcome the Rt. Hon. Dame Rosie Winterton and the Deputy Civic Mayor, Cllr. Linda Curran to the celebrations.
Mike Foley provided entertainment and had everyone singing traditional Harvest Festival songs.
Home Manager, Bea Gibbons commented:
"I am very proud of everyone today and that we can give back to our local community. All the staff have been involved in making the day a success and are committed to providing the kindest possible care for our Residents."
Silver Sunday celebrates older people and helps to combat loneliness, while Harvest Festival celebrates food that’s grown and produced on England’s home soil.