Hartbeeps visit Sandon House
Sandon House carehome welcomed a group of fourteen babies, toddlers & their mothers from the local baby & toddler group, Hartbeeps, as they visited the Residents for a morning of singing nursery rhymes and a sensory session.
Residents enjoyed singing along & interacting with the babies as they sat around artificial grass on toad stool mats.Residents sang along with songs such as "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Hickory Dickory Dock" which the children loved.
During the session, a gold parachute was gently lifted up & down over the group to reveal a string of quilted stars dangling underneath which the babies liked to grab.
The lights were then turned off and coloured lights shone onto the ceiling and underneath the parachute to create lots of stars for a sensory experience.

One of the mothers commented:
“The home has such a warm & inviting atmosphere. Everyone is so relaxed & happy. I’d love to return for the next session.”

Louise Schofield Wellbeing Coordinator, said:
“The smiles on the Residents faces was a joy to see! It’s so important to keep our Residents involved with the community. They love spending time with the children. ”