Harmony Care dolls bring comfort to Residents at Ailsa CraigHarmony Care, a company that provides reminiscence materials for Residents, have kindly donated a couple of dolls to Ailsa Craig Care Home in Glasgow, which has been really popular amongst the Residents.

Rebecca Kennedy, Ailsa Craig’s Wellbeing Co-Ordinator, found a vintage pram at a prop sale at The Citizens Theatre Glasgow which they gave the home at a discounted price, along with an old-fashioned cash register.

Residents enjoy pushing the pram around and comforting the babies. Two ladies in particular, Mary Gallagher and Ann Cusick, have spent a lot of time with the pram, pushing it up and down the corridors to put the babies to sleep.

They really enjoy this time with their babies and love chatting to each other and everyone they pass about them. 

Both Mary and Ann have a tendency to wander, whereas this has given them a real sense of purpose and they have really bonded over spending time with the dolls. 

Ann commented:

“Aren’t the babies beautiful!”

Kathleen Glasgow, Ailsa Craig’s Home Manager, commented:

“It’s amazing to see how the Harmony Care dolls are really helping our Residents to be more active and starting discussions about their children and their younger days.”