Harley Grange residential and nursing care home, in Leicester, begin their Christmas celebrations, everyone was invited to participate in the local ‘Learning for the 4th Age’s Christmas bauble competition’.
Residents and Colleagues were challenged to create a bauble to be shown off on a virtual Christmas tree.
Each Resident spent time deciding on their unique designs, choosing the shape, colour and decoration of the baubles before starting the task. A highlight of the activity was definitely seeing everyone’s creativity and individuality shine through in their designs.
The activity was completed in a two-step process; painting and decorating, and whilst they waited for the paint to dry, the Residents involved had a discussion about how they would decorate their own homes for Christmas. I
The Residents enjoyed being able to participate with decorating the home and were fascinated by the idea of a ‘virtual Christmas tree’.
Margaret, who lives at the home, said that she was happy to have a Christmas decoration she had created for her room.
Fellow Resident Pam added, “I am excited to show my daughter.”
Anne Upton, Care Home Manager, commented, “This activity was really successful in engaging Residents with varying abilities. The creative side really gave our Residents a chance to express themselves.”