Harley Grange gives regular visitors a Kindness in Care AwardTrevor and Doreen have been visiting HC-One’s Harley Grange Care Home with their dogs Barney and Molly for more than ten years.

Regular visitors Trevor and Doreen were presented with a Kindness in Care award from the Residents and care team at Harley Grange. The award was given to them for providing pet therapy at the home for such a long period of time as spending time with the dogs puts a smile on the faces of the Residents and staff at Harley Grange.

Although Barney and Molly are usually the most popular visitors to the home the Residents equally enjoy spending time with Trevor and Doreen and were delighted to award them with their own Kindness in Care award.

Everyone looks forward to their regular Monday visits from Trevor, Doreen, Barney and Molly. The visit is a great start to a week full of activities for the Residents.

Preet Hundal, Home Manager at Harley Grange commented:

“It so lovely when people volunteer their time to share their joys of having pets with the Residents. For Trevor and Doreen to do this for this many years is exceptionally kind.”