Happy Birthday Irene – Priory Mews Resident turns 89 in styleToday was the birthday of one of the Residents at this Dartford care home. Irene James turned an amazing 89 years old.

So, the Unit Manager, Beccy Ford, made her a delicious cake with all sorts of chocolate in it. Irene was also given some chocolates and crisps, which are a firm favourite, from the staff at the home which she was very pleased with.

As you can see from the photo, Irene had a lovely day.

When asked what Irene wanted to say about the day and what she liked most of all, she responded with "chocolate cake!" (We don’t disagree there).

Home Manager, Rose Akem, “It is lovely when the staff go above and beyond and use their personal time in order to make the Residents happy. We would like to thank Beccy and the staff on Cressenor Unit to make the day special for Irene. Thank you”.