Guide Lane shows its support for Tameside Christmas Toy AppealGuide Lane care home in Manchester is helping to put a smile on children’s faces in the local community by donating more than 100 presents for them to open on Christmas day.

Tracey Simpson, a Housekeeper at Guide Lane, organizes this charitable gesture at the home every year and has been collecting toys from Colleagues, Relatives and friends who were kind enough to donate a gift for the Tameside Christmas Toy Appeal.

The donated toys are distributed by the appeal to families in the local community who struggle to provide gifts for one another at Christmas time.

The home has seen yet another fantastic effort this year, with 112 toys and 21 chocolate gifts having been donated so far.

One Resident said: “I really love being part of the community events at Guide Lane.” 

Julie Richardson, Home Manager at Guide Lane, said: “Tracey has put in a tremendous effort to this cause. It is an extremely kind event to be involved in, especially at this time of year.”