Greengrocer reaches ripe old ageHC-One’s Greenways Court Care Home in Consett, County Durham are celebrating the 100th birthday of Resident Nancy Hodgson. 

A former greengrocer has celebrated her 100th birthday with loved ones from around the world and special guests.

Nancy Hodgson, from Esh Winning, welcomed Durham County Council Chairman Bill Kellett and consort Cllr Jean Chaplow to her party alongside her family and friends.

Mrs Hodgson spent World War Two in Manchester where she assembled and checked radios for Royal Navy ships before returning to Esh Winning to run Hodgson’s Greengrocers with her husband Harry.

The mother-of-four was surrounded by her relatives for her big day and was joined by her granddaughter Rachel who now lives in Sydney, Australia.

Greenway Court’s Home Manager, Tina Bayton commented:

“She had a fabulous time. It was an amazing day for her and Nancy is doing fabulously for her age. 

She has her hair and nails done and goes out twice a week. She loves her sparkly jewellery and wore her tiara for the party. 

Mrs Hodgson was born on May 21, 1919, while Britain was fighting the final few months of World War One.

The celebrations were held on May 20 and was attended by civic dignitaries as well as family and friends.

Cllr Bill Kellett commented:

“It was fantastic to meet Nancy and all of her family and it was an honour to be invited to her birthday party.

She was quite impressed by my chains of office and when she tried them on I wondered if I was going to get them back.”