Green-fingered Residents receive award at Skellingthorpe care homeWhite Gables care home in Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, was delighted to receive an award for the best entrance display in HC-One’s gardening competition, which took place across the company’s 329 care homes.

Residents at White Gables take a keen interest in gardening throughout the year and really enjoy working together to make their garden space lovely for them and their visitors.

Everyone worked really hard to develop the theme for this year’s competition, which was to create a welcoming entrance to the home. 

As a prize for the home’s fantastic efforts in the Home Entrance Display category of the competition, Residents were presented with a beautiful, personalised certificate from HC-One Area Director, Mags Barton, along with a £500 cash prize for the Residents’ Comfort Fund.

As keen gardeners, Residents were delighted to be rewarded for their efforts as they look forward to continuing their passion for gardening next summer. 

Home Manager Catherine said: “We are blessed to have such beautiful grounds and the Residents’ efforts have really brought it to its best!”