Celebrations were in full swing at HC-One’s Kings Park care home in Ashton-under-Lyne as Resident Wilhelmina celebrated her 104th birthday.
Wilhelmina Williams was born in Montreal, Canada on 18th May 1915, and worked as a seamstress throughout the majority of her career.
Wilhelmina married husband Samuel and went on to have two sons, David and Derek. She is also grandmother to five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
When asked what her secret is to a long and happy life, Wilhelmina said it was all down to having a loving family.
Staff at Kings Park arranged a special birthday party to mark Wilhelmina’s big day, as family, friends and fellow Residents were invited to join in with the celebrations.
Kings Park was decorated with balloons as guests enjoyed the entertainment at the party, provided by talented performer Jan Jenkins. Wilhelmina was also delighted to blow the candles out on her special handmade birthday cake.
John Oliver, Home Manager at Kings Park, said: “At HC-One, we make every effort to ensure our Residents celebrate their special occasions in the best way possible.
“Wilhelmina is a lovely lady and such an inspiration to the whole team at Kings Park, as well as fellow Residents. It was amazing to see her smiling all day long as she celebrated her 104th birthday alongside her loved ones.”