Age Inspiration visited Grampian Court last week and carried out different activities with the Residents from their Grace Unit.
Age Inspiration is a company that specialises in providing interactive and exciting activities for Residents. The two activities that Residents were able to choose from on this occasion were basket weaving or cross-stitch.
Laura and Betty chose to spend their afternoon doing cross-stitch whilst the other ladies opted for basket weaving.
For cross-stitch, there was a cardboard print out with an image of a cross with large holes for the stitches. Residents were given various colours of thread to choose from for their work.
For the Residents attempting the basket weaving, they weaved their chosen strip of paper around the template until the sides began to gather up and form a heart shaped basket. They then discussed how they were going to put these baskets to use when they were completed, with some saying they could keep their sweets in their and others wanting to use it as a trinket box.
The fun didn’t stop there, as after everyone had finished their activity, they all came together to play a game of balloon tennis.
All of the Residents that participated in the Age Inspiration activities said that they had a great time and loved how the baskets took shape the more they were weaved.
Peggy Edwards, Resident at Grampian Court, commented:
“Balloon tennis was really fun! It’s a great way to keep fit and it definitely woke my body up.”