Glenrothes care home Residents enjoy visit to local pubFour Residents at HC-One’s Woodside Court in Glenrothes, Fife were invited to local pub, Otters Head to enjoy a meal and live entertainment.

Nora Clark, Marjory Marshall, Ian Terris and Margaret Steadman attended an annual event hosted at Otters Head thanks to the generosity of the local community. The Residents enjoyed a complimentary two course meal together followed by a performance from a local Jazz and Swing singer. 

The group enjoyed listening to the music and socialising with the other guests in the pub, Nora commented that the day was absolutely brilliant and Ian enjoyed telling stories from when he worked in a pub.

Woodside Court Home Manager, Beba Graham said:

“I would like to thank everyone at Otters Head for being so attentive and welcoming, it was a great day for our Residents and we hope to visit again very soon.”