Glasgow care home Resident spots a familiar faceA Resident at HC-One’s Quayside care home in Glasgow couldn’t believe his eyes when he was reading through an old article from a scrapbook and found a familiar face.

Quayside Residents were missing the weekly ‘Reminisce Kits’ that the home normally obtains from the Open Museum so they decided to make their own version. To do this the team at Quayside care home picked a few scrapbooks that were left by a past Resident.

James, a Resident at Quayside care home was reading through an article in one of the scrapbooks when he recognised a familiar face.

There on proud display in the book was a full-page news article about James’ father who was a busker. Himself, staff and other Residents were amazed that in this book, chosen at random and made years previously, would contain an article from 1977 about a Residents father.

Seeing his father in the article really cheered up James who was just as surprised as anyone, “what are the chances eh?”, he joked.

Quayside wellbeing coordinator Amy said: “It’s nice to think that someone years ago thought that article was interesting enough to put into a scrapbook for years later the individuals own son be in this care home and furthermore stumble across this during an activity at random.”

The team at Quayside care home have managed to get a copy of the page and framed it for James, so he can now have his dad by his side in his room.