Residents and staff at
Quayside care home in Yoker, were very excited to be holding their first summer fete in three years on the 30th July 2022.
Everyone was delighted by the turnout and support they received from local businesses, Colleagues, Residents, friends, and family.
The local Fire Station in Knightswood also paid a visit to the care home so Residents and visitors were able to take a tour of the fire engine and ask the firefighters all about their job.
Resident Catherine Mackenzie was intrigued by the fire engine, and it was especially nostalgic as her late husband was a fireman in the same station for many years. Both Catherine and her daughter Gillian spent lots of time with the fire fighters.
Catherine, remarked, “I am proud to be a daughter of a policeman and a wife of a fireman.”
The fete had a bouncy castle, children’s games, crafts, lots of home baking for sale and a tombola stall. All money raised from the day was put towards the Residents Fund and the total raised was £1895!
There was also lots of hot food and drinks which were enjoyed by everyone. It was great to see all the Residents and their families walking around the fete and enjoying the company of one another.
One Resident, commented, “It was great to see so many families and children around the home. And such a great amount of money raised, all in one day.”
Anne McDade, Wellbeing Coordinator, said, “What a day! After lockdown restrictions and with lots of people finding it tough, the wellbeing staff are overwhelmed with the generosity of the staff, families, friends, and Residents. The money raised will go a long way in treating our Residents.”
Shaun Docherty, Care Home Manager, added, “It was a fantastic day, and everyone had such a lovely time. We can’t wait for next year!”