Gittisham Hill House Afternoon ActivitiesGittisham Hill House Residents enjoyed an afternoon of arts and crafts, and floor games, which were followed by scrumptious refreshments for a relaxing afternoon at the care home. 

Jill Watts and Marie Bourne, Wellbeing Coordinators at Gittisham Hill House, organised a day of both physical and mental stimulants to keep Residents’ bodies and minds active. 

Some Residents chose to do some water colour painting of landscapes, others decided to play the floor games to test their skills and have a little exercise. As the afternoon went on, more Residents decided to join in and the tea and cake was served up afterwards, which was most definitely enjoyed by all! 

Jean Meecham, Resident, commented, “These games get us moving, it's good exercise!”

“I find painting very relaxing" remarked another Resident.

Marita Westaway, Home Manager, commented on one of the paintings, “Those hanging baskets are looking beautiful, so much colour.”