Generous donation from Bridgend Lions Club is a roaring success with Glanffrwd ResidentsStaff and Residents at Glanffrwd care home in Bridgend are delighted to have received a fantastic hamper from local community group, the Bridgend Lions Club.

The group, which provides help and funds to those in need in the local area, has kindly donated gifts to Glanffrwd each Christmas time in previous years, with this year’s gesture consisting of a large hamper filled with chocolates, biscuits and a lovely teddy.

The hamper will be placed in the home’s raffle prizes as first place, with any money raised being used for the Residents’ fund.

Joan Thomas, Home Manager at Glanffrwd, said: “We are very thankful for all the support we receive from organisations in our local area.”

One Resident said: “The hamper looks absolutely lovely.”