Gardening group creates a colourful display at Alexander CourtThe gardening group at Alexander Court care home in Sheffield put their talents to the test as they created a colourful mosaic to brighten up the home’s garden ahead of the summer months.

The gardening group, which is a popular activity amongst Residents, incorporates different tasks into the sessions for everyone to enjoy.

Due to the cold, snowy weather this winter, the green-fingered Residents made use of the warmth inside to create bright, colourful patterns for the mosaic.

Anne, a Resident at Alexander Court, commented: “The mosaic was so much fun to make, especially with all the bright patterns. I can’t wait til we can sit out and admire it in the garden over summer.”

Bea Gibbons, Home Manager, said: “The gardening group is one of the most popular activities here at Alexander Court. Although it’s been too cold to do gardening outside recently, our green-fingered Residents have used their imagination to create some lovely garden decorations inside.”