Two Residents of The Elms, Norah and Deanna, recently decided to get some fresh air and visit their local town alongside two Colleagues.
As they ventured around the town, they decided to go into the garden of rest to admire the beautifully coloured flowers that were growing there. As they were leaving however, Norah spotted something that did not look like a flower between the branches of a small tree – it was a small painted rock.
The Residents and Colleagues took the rock and continued looking around the lovely garden before re-hiding the rock for someone else to find. Norah and Deanna especially enjoyed this as they felt quite mischievous finding a hiding place.
The rock was placed by a group in nearby Whittlesey that paints and then hides small Rocks around the town for other people to hide, they then put a post on social media that they have found one and re-hidden the rock for someone else to find.
Katie Coulson, Home Manager, commented: “it was lovely to see the Residents going out and enjoying themselves in the sunshine, it’s nice that they were able to come back and have such a funny story to tell about the rocks.”