Furry visitor comes to Hayes care home
Residents at HC-One’s Aston House care home were delighted to recently welcome a furry visitor in the form of Teddy, a yorkshire terrier.

Teddy has been visiting the home regularly for over a year and has never failed to make Residents smile with joy.

Resident regularly remark on how Teddy is always full of energy and excitement, as they reminisce of their own past pets and the adventures they experienced with them.

At the young age of five, Teddy still enjoys his regular visits to the home as he cuddles Residents and enjoys the attention, whilst being fed his favourite snakcs from his handler – frankfurters and cheese.

Seema Jose, Home Manager, commented: “Teddy’s regular visits have had such a positive impact on the Residents’ wellbeing. Pet therapy has helped them so much, and as we current have two chickens at the home, Residents thoroughly enjoy spending time with animals, their favourite visitor has always been Teddy though.”