Frome Care Home Enjoys Success in CQC ReportHC-One’s Catherine House Care Home in Frome, Somerset, is celebrating having received a glowing report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

The team at Catherine House were delighted to have received an impressive CQC report that rated the home as ‘Good’ in all areas, demonstrating that the home is providing high standards of care for Residents, demonstrating that the home is Safe, Responsive, and Well-Led.

The inspectors were full of praise for colleagues at Catherine House, highlighting the kind ways in which they provide care for Residents at the home, “People received responsive care and support which was personalised to their individual needs and wishes. There was clear guidance for staff on how to support people in line with their wishes. People's end of life wishes were recorded, and the home worked with other healthcare.”

Inspectors also commented on the robust recruitment programme at the home and that staff receive comprehensive training in recognising abuse and safeguarding people, “There were enough staff to look after people safely and take time to sit and chat or join in an activity. A recent recruitment programme meant the service used less agency staff. This meant people experienced an improved level of consistency. Risk assessments were in place with guidance for staff about how to keep people safe.”

Catherine House’s achievements reflect HC-One’s commitment to being the care provider of choice across its family of homes for individuals looking for the kindest care and support. This is also demonstrated by HC-One achieving a 9.5/10 average rating on, the sector’s leading care home comparison website. The high rating shows that HC-One is one of the best companies in the care home sector as rated by service users. HC-One currently also has the highest compliance rating of all independent residential care home providers.

HC-One Managing Director, Ruth Yates said:

“This rating is great news. I would like to thank the whole team for their commitment and hard work and congratulate them on such an impressive report.

“We are dedicated to achieving our aim of being the care provider of choice for those looking for the very best care and support, and employer of choice for the best, most professional, and kindest care staff.”