Fort William care home Residents enjoy home grown strawberriesResidents at HC-One’s Moss Park care home in Fort William recently harvested their own home-grown strawberries that they had been growing in the homes garden.
With the help of Colleagues, Moss Park Residents planted strawberry seeds earlier in the year too see if they would grow into some lovely strawberry bearing plants. To their surprise, the seeds had grown and strawberries had begun to blossom, with some ripe enough to harvest and eat.
One Moss Park Resident said: “I remember planting these and never thought they would come out this good. It’s really good to see the fruit's, literally, of our labours.”
Moss Park Residents and Colleagues are going to look into planting more seeds in the back garden since the strawberry crop was so successful. They are thinking of growing maybe tomatoes, potatoes and carrots.
Gardening is a great way to get regular exercise, lubricate joints, and strengthen mobility in the elderly. Residents can also do regular stretching activities after gardening to minimise the risk of injury, increase blood circulation, improve balance and coordination, and enhance muscle control.