Footballs Coming Home at Hollymere House Care home!Primrose House and Hollymere House joined forces to host their very own world cup themed afternoon for Residents, relatives and colleagues to enjoy.

As the sun continued to shine and as they prepare for the nail biting England v Columbia game Residents enjoyed a BBQ in the shared gardens followed by a game of penalty shootout!

As Brian prepared the delicious BBQ to give all participates that much needed energy, everyone around made the most of the glorious weather.  Residents enjoy a feast of tasty burgers and salad.

As sounds of laughter echoed around the garden colleagues challenged each team from the respective homes to a penalty shoot-out with Resident Bernie McDonogh as referee.

Alison Brown, Primrose House HM said

“It’s always good fun when we come together and we had a great afternoon before settling down to watch the football”