Festive fun at Walton-on-Thames care homeHC-One’s Adelaide House in Walton-on-Thames is kicking off the Christmas season with some fun activities for all to enjoy.

To get Residents, Relatives and Colleagues in the festive spirit, the home organised a little Christmas tree decorating competition. Four Resident’s names were drawn out from a hat, they were the ‘captains’ of decorating one tree each. The captains were, Eileen Wraight, John Stinton, David Cook and Brian Rofe.

Festive treats were offered as everyone helped the captains decorate their trees, the winner of the competition was Brian Rofe’s team. His tree is displayed in the bay window at Adelaide House.

Residents have also welcomed three separate choirs, Westward Primary School Choir, Bell Farm Primary School Choir and St John’s Anglican Church Choir to perform for them. All of the performances were thoroughly enjoyed by all, Residents loved interacting with the children.

On Sunday 16th December, 15-year-old Ruben Berstecher, a talented pianist performed classical pieces from a range of artists, including Beethoven and Debussy. Resident’s loved watching Ruben perform and are looking forward to him returning after Christmas to perform again, possibly with his younger sister, who is a talented vocalist. 

Adelaide House Home Manager, Tracy Lazell commented:

“Christmas is a time when people young and old should come together to celebrate the festive season. 

“Thank you to everyone who visited us throughout December, it really got us counting down the days to Christmas at Adelaide House.”