Festive fun at Newcastle care homeFestivities are in full swing at HC-One’s Sutherland Court care home in Fenham with Residents and team members getting in the Christmas spirit with a pantomime show and admiring the Christmas displays at a local garden centre.

On Wednesday 18th December, Residents gathered in the lounge to watch a pantomime production of Oliver Twist, a novel written by Charles Dickens which tells the story of an orphan, Oliver Twist, who is born in a workhouse and sold into an apprenticeship with an undertaker.

Northern Productions performed their version of the Oliver Twist pantomime, Residents sang along with the songs and laughed as the tale unfolded. At the end of the show, everyone gave a round of applause and complimented the performers.

Residents decided to visit Azure Garden Centre on Saturday 21st December where they admired all of the wonderful Christmas decorations and displays, some chose to browse the shops to find the perfect gift for their loved ones and everyone enjoyed a spot of lunch before heading back to Sutherland Court.

Karen Stewart, Home Manager at Sutherland Court said: “Thank you to Northern Productions for their amazing performance, all of these festive activities have really got us counting down the days till Christmas at Sutherland Court.”