Farmer Resident helps Hinckley care home raise chickens William ‘Bill’ Mepham, a retired farmer and Resident at Hinckley Park care home in Hinckley is using his expert knowledge to help the home raise a flock of chickens.

Born in Sussex, Bill has spent his entire life working on farms around the country and over the years he has learnt all of the tricks of the trade. Bill has been a Resident at Hinckley Park for the last three years, last year he was part of a group of Residents that requested that the home could invest in a flock of chickens.

In August 2017 the group’s wishes came true and Hinckley Park gained four new feathered Residents, since then the chickens have provided fresh eggs and endless hours of amusement for Residents, Relatives, Colleagues and visitors.

Bill’s farming background has been invaluable in ensuring the chickens have been raised in the best possible environment, he has taught members of the team how to properly catch the chickens and how to clip the wings of the more curious birds.

Everyone at Hinckley Park now goes to Bill for advice on harvesting and planting their own crops, he also shares wonderful stories of his adventures on the farms he’s worked on. 

Recently, Care Assistant Becky has spent some time with Bill learning more about his life on the farm and getting his expert advice on how to look after the chickens throughout the cold winter months ahead.

William ‘Bill’ Mepham commented:

“It’s been nice to be out with the chickens and lovely to watch them running around the garden. I really enjoy being able to help look after them.”

Hinckley Park also sells some the chickens fresh eggs, so if you’re passing by do pop in and purchase an egg or two!