Cedar House in Harefield, which provides nursing and nursing dementia care, everybody has been saying their farewells to a popular Care Assistant.
Kieran, a Care Assistant at Cedar House has been having some sad farewells to both Residents and Staff. He has been a very popular member of the team at Cedar House and will be missed greatly by everybody. Kieran has decided to leave due to family commitments and to pursue other project, he has been wished all the best by both Colleagues and Residents.
Staff at the care home have presented Kieran with some lovely leaving gifts and treats as a thank you for his hard work. Residents also gathered in the living room to wish him all the best and shared their favourite memories with Kieran. Everybody agreed that Cedar House would be much quieter and less eventful without him!
Speaking with the Residents after, they all expressed their sadness in seeing him leave, but seem happy as it’s what he wants to do. Kay, a Resident at Cedar House said, “Best of luck Kieran, we will really miss you”. Kieran also commented, “Thank you to everybody for your lovely gifts and good wishes, it means a lot to me”.
Patience, the Home Manager wished him all the best and said “Good luck with everything you do Kieran, it has been a lovely experience working with you”.