Falkirk care home Residents keep busy with activities afternoonResidents at HC-One’s Kinnaird Manor care home in Falkirk are keeping active and positive during these uncertain times with some fun games and exercises.

Everyone gathered in the lounge where Residents played a variety of games with a big parachute and some giant dominoes. It was smiles and laughter all around with Residents commenting on how much they enjoyed all of the games.

One Resident commented: “It’s lovely to be together at such a worrying time for the whole country, playing games and having fun as a group really helps take everyone’s mind off it all.”

Glynis Crossley, Home Manager at Kinnaird Manor said: “It was heart-warming to hear so much laughter as everyone played the games, I am pleased that we are still able to enjoy ourselves and keep smiles on our Resident’s faces.”