Eckington care home help Residents keep in touch with familyResidents at HC One’s April Park care home have been spending time connecting with their loved ones through Skype.

During this time it is so important to staff in the homes to make sure that Residents and Relatives stay connected to one another, and thanks to technology this has been made easy.

The Residents have been getting to grips themselves with the modern technology to stay in touch with their friends and family. HC One have provided the home with two extra tablets to make sure there is more access available for Skype calls.

The Colleagues at the home had been busy setting up the tablets ready for the Residents to use today, and introducing this new method of communication to them. The tablets are available for use at any time and staff are on hand to assist if needed.

The Residents were amazed by the tablets! It was a pleasure for staff at the home to see the Residents faces light up when their family members popped up on the screen for a chat.

One Resident commented ‘I loved catching up with my loved ones.’