Today at HC-One’s Ashgrove care home Residents took part in a musical bingo session as well as making some beautiful floral arrangements.
Resident Betty loved picking the colours and size of her flowers for the bouquet and said she had never done it before because she was always too busy. After the activity Betty really enjoyed it and said she would love to do it again. Colleagues took photos to send to her family. See pictured right, Betty and Wellbeing Coordinator Jayne.
Jayne commented, “Flower arranging helps to stimulate mind, body and soul as well as giving Residents a sense of pride.”
Also, today, Residents took part in musical bingo which brought back many memories as everyone sang along to the tunes and tapped their hands and feet to the beat. The prize was a block of chocolate, much enjoyed by the winners!
Jayne added, “Everyone loved the community singing and it was so much fun. Our Resident Alan knew every song!”